LYPOLYSIS/Fat Dissolving
(coming Soon!)

Phosphatidylcholine deoxycholic acid (PCDC) also known as lipolysis or mesotherapy is injected in a grid-like pattern in the area of concern where it disrupts the fat cell membrane. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule found in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. The PCDC Lipolysis treatment is intended to reduce and destroy unwanted fat cells.

Areas that can be treated include

✔️ inner and outer thighs
✔️ love handles
✔️ upper and lower back
✔️ chin
✔️ abdomen
✔️ jowls
✔️ back of arms.

It is recommended to return in 4-5 weeks and require 3-5 treatments to achieve desired results.

Please note that you may be swollen and bruised for approximately 7-14 days post treatment.

This treatment will be offered by our in house nurse.

Small Area

Medium Area

Large Area






Botox Burlington


  • Please fill out all waivers and contraindication forms prior to coming in to make sure you are a good candidate. Feel free to book a skin consult if you are unsure of anything.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages within 48-24 hours prior to your treatment, specifically red wine.
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Vioxx, etc.), Aspirin, Vitamin E 1 week prior to treatment. This will reduce the possible side effects of bruising and/or swelling in the treated area(s).
  • Avoid products/treatments that boost metabolism (Diet pills and Endermologie) one week prior to treatment.
  • Discontinue Retin-A three (3) days before and three (3) days after treatment.
  • Beta-blockers (used in treating high blood pressure) and certain thyroid conditions can interfere chemically with the procedure. Please notify physician prior to treatment.
  • If you are allergic to soy, you should not have this treatment as the active ingredients are derivatives of soy.
  • You cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding to receive this treatment.
  • Patients who have a history of recurring cold soars (Herpes simplex type1) should start oral Valtrex 500 mg tablets 2 days prior to your Fillers treatment and continue for 3 days after treatment.
  • If you develop a cold sore, blemish, or rash, etc. prior to your appointment, you must reschedule.If you have a special event or vacation coming up, schedule your treatment at least 2 weeks in advance.


  • Keep the treated area clean and dry for 24 hours.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing or anything that could constrict the area, including exercise, for 48 hours after treatment.
  • Use an antibacterial lotion on the treated area twice a day for two weeks.
  • Avoid massaging, scrubbing or otherwise irritating this area during this time period.
  • Eat well! You’ll want to focus on eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins such as chicken or fish, whole grains like quinoa or brown rice, and healthy fats like avocado or almonds (just make sure they’re unsalted!). Avoid processed foods and sweets as much as possible because they can cause bloating that makes cellulite look worse than it really is.

Benefits of Injectables-Lipolysis/Fat Dissolving

Effective Body Contouring

Body sculpting techniques like lipolysis and fat-dissolving injectables are quite successful. These procedures particularly target and eliminate little, stubborn fat deposits in those areas, giving you a more sculpted and toned appearance. Lipolysis is a non-surgical option to reach your ideal body shape, whether it’s correcting love handles, a double chin, or other problem areas.

Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

In contrast to invasive surgical procedures like liposuction, non-surgical alternatives include lipolysis and injectables that dissolve fat. Because they are minimally invasive and use injections rather than incisions, there is less discomfort, less downtime, and a shorter healing time.

Targeted Treatment Areas

Lipolysis procedures can be made to target particular trouble spots. The chin, thighs, hips, and abdomen are frequently treated areas. Together with you, our qualified specialists create a treatment strategy that meets your needs for body contouring.

Natural-Looking Results

Lipolysis and fat-dissolving injectables produce effects that look natural when used by trained professionals. The treated area can transition into the surrounding tissue more smoothly and harmoniously thanks to the steady lowering of fat.

Other Services We Offer at

Skin & Soul Med Spa


In order to complement our body sculpting procedures, Skin & Soul Med Spa provides Botox treatments. Botox is an effective treatment for dynamic wrinkles brought on by muscle contractions, such as frown lines, forehead lines, and crow’s feet on the face. Our skilled specialists deliver accurate, realistic results that enhance your overall appearance.

B12 Shots

To improve your general health, we also provide B12 shots in addition to our cosmetic and body-contouring procedures. In order to sustain energy levels, promote metabolism, and enhance cognitive function, vitamin B12 is essential. With our B12 injections, you can get this crucial nutrient into your body quickly and easily.

IV Vitamin Drip (Radiance IV Drip)

We provide a comprehensive approach to wellbeing and beauty with our IV vitamin drips, such as the Radiance IV Drip. While lipolysis aims to improve the way your body looks, our IV drips promote your overall health from the inside out. For instance, the Radiance IV Drip helps to improve immune system function, energy levels, and skin health, leaving you feeling and looking radiant.


Skin & Soul Med Spa also offers fillers as a non-surgical aesthetic treatment. They are excellent for restoring face volume and minimizing wrinkles and sagging skin. Our skilled specialists put a high priority on producing results that look natural, making sure that you appear renewed and invigorated. Fillers have long-lasting benefits and are a practical way to keep one’s appearance fresh.