
Microneedling is a minimally invasive pin point procedure to cause controlled damage to the skin and helps stimulate the healing process by producing collagen and elastin. The results will make your skin smoother, firmer and tighten those fine lines and wrinkles beautifully. Amazing for ageing skin or prevention of ageing.

60 Min $ 300
Add Ons
Dermaplaning  $50
Calming Mask $50
LED Light $30


  • Please fill out all waivers and contraindication forms prior to coming in to make sure you are a good candidate. Feel free to book a skin consult if you are unsure of anything.
  • Avoid any skincare actives, (especially medical grade retinols, AHAs and BHA’s) for about 1-2 weeks before your treatment date.
  • Avoid workouts, caffeine, alcohol, Aspirin/ASA, Advil/Ibuprofen, Niacin or Vit E atleast 24 hrs prior to treatment
  • If you have had Botox/Filler/Chemical Peels/Laser Treatments please wait atleast 2 weeks before a coming in for a microneedling treatment


  • The skin may remain red for generally 24 hours up to four days after eDermaStamp treatment. As the skin heals the erythema will resolve
  • Your skin may experience temporary irritation, tightness, or redness. These are all normal reactions that typically resolve within 72 hours depending on skin sensitivity.
  • You may experience slight bruising, tingling and stinging in the treatment area. These sensations generally subside within a 24 hours.
  • Client experiences may vary. Some clients may experience a delayed onset of these symptoms.
  • A small number of patients may experience a hyper-pigmentation of the skin surface (especially if the skin is exposed to the sun).
  • Multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve optimal results. Most studies show 6 treatments over 3-4 months can visibily reduces the visibility of acne scars, fine lines & wrinkles, diminish hyper-pigmentation and improves skin tone and texture.


  • Avoid excessive sun exposure and use a minimum of SPF 30 sunscreen. Re-apply every 2 hours if needed.
  • Do not touch the treated area and surrounding area for 24 hours
  • Avoid washing your face or applying any products for the first 24 hours following the treatment.
  • After the first 24 hours, you can wash your face gently with a mild cleanser, however, avoid any scrubbing or exfoliating products that could irritate the skin.
  • Stay away from heat: i.e. hot showers, saunas, steam rooms, hot yoga/exercising for 4-5 days
  • No makeup on the treated area for 3-7 days (wait until pinpoint bleeding has stopped).
  • No Botox, fillers, strong chemical peels or laser treatments for 2 weeks
  • Avoid any actives for 1-2 weeks after treatment (Ex. AHA’s, BHA’s, Glycolic acid, salicylic acid, retinols, hydroquinone etc.)
  • Do not pick, scratch, pull, or rub skin as this will introduce bacteria that can be harmful. Any scabbing or dry skin should naturally exfoliate off. Picking can cause scarring or undesirable pigmentation loss

Benefits of Microneedling

Skin Rejuvenation

Microneedling is a cutting-edge skincare procedure that does wonders for skin rejuvenation. Fundamentally, microneedling is the controlled infliction of microscopic wounds on the skin’s surface using small, sterilized needles. These microscopic wounds promote the synthesis of collagen and elastin, two vital proteins necessary for preserving the structure and flexibility of the skin.

Scar Reduction

Microneedling presents a promising option for those who have struggled with acne, injury, or surgical scars. The micro-injuries caused by microneedling in the scar tissue trigger your body’s natural healing process. This procedure promotes the growth of new, healthy skin cells to replace damaged scar tissue. You’ll probably observe a striking decrease in the visibility of scars after several microneedling sessions. Your confidence and self-esteem will ultimately increase as they become less apparent, smoother, and more blended with the surrounding skin.

Hyperpigmentation Treatment

Using microneedling to treat hyperpigmentation problems like melasma or uneven skin tone is also quite successful. Melanin overproduction in particular regions of the skin is a common cause of these diseases. By dispersing the melanin clusters and promoting a more equal distribution, microneedling is beneficial. The look of dark spots and patches will gradually fade as you have Microneedling treatments. You regain a youthful, luminous complexion as your skin tone becomes more even.

Minimize Pore Size

Microneedling can help if you’ve been worried about having wide pores. The procedure’s micro-injuries encourage the formation of collagen, which results in skin that is firmer and more elastic. Naturally, your pores get smaller as your skin becomes tighter. Smaller pores make it simpler to apply makeup and maintain healthy skin in addition to helping to give skin a smoother appearance. After a few microneedling treatments, you’ll notice that your skin feels smoother and younger.

Enhanced Product Absorption

The capacity of microneedling to improve skincare product absorption is one of the sometimes neglected advantages of the procedure. Your skincare products can penetrate the skin deeper thanks to the microchannels that the microneedling technique creates.

Benefits of Microneedling


Cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and antioxidant defense are all included in the comprehensive face treatment known as the HydraFacial. It is appropriate for all skin types and successfully treats problems like clogged pores, fine wrinkles, and uneven skin tone. With rapid results, this treatment leaves your skin feeling renewed and invigorated.

Chemical Peel

In order to remove the top layer of dead skin cells, a chemical peel is a skin-resurfacing procedure that uses an application of a specific solution. This procedure can address problems including acne scars and hyperpigmentation while also enhancing skin texture and reducing aging symptoms. Chemical peels can be tailored to your unique skin conditions and objectives.


Exfoliation, oxygenation, and the injection of vital nutrients into the skin are all components of the cutting-edge face therapy OxyGeneo. A more luminous complexion is the consequence of the deep cleansing, regeneration, and hydration it offers. Treatments with OxyGeneo are non-invasive and appropriate for a range of skin types.


A non-invasive exfoliating method called microdermabrasion eliminates dead skin cells, enhancing skin texture and lessening the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. It works well to repair minor skin flaws and makes your skin feel softer and smoother.

Custom Luxury Facial

Designed specifically for you, our Custom Luxury Facial is a personalized skin care procedure. In order to develop a personalized treatment plan for you, our skilled estheticians will evaluate your skin and may recommend washing, exfoliation, masks, and relaxing massages. This opulent facial seeks to relax you while addressing your specific skincare issues, giving your skin a beautiful and youthful appearance.

Glow on the Go

For people with hectic schedules, “Glow on the Go” is a practical express treatment. This service is a terrific choice for maintaining healthy skin while you’re on the go because it often includes a short facial or skin treatment to offer you a quick and rejuvenated appearance.

Photo Rejuvenation

Photo Rejuvenation targets a variety of skin issues, such as sun damage, age spots, redness, and uneven skin tone, by using sophisticated light therapy, frequently through procedures like intense pulsed light (IPL). Your skin will appear clearer, brighter, and more young after this minimally invasive process, which also increases collagen synthesis.